“Why use a recruiter to find your next job?”

Job seekers have more buying power than ever when selecting their next opportunity, so what reasons are motivating people to look for other jobs? There are several important factors to consider when you enter the job market. A company’s industry, pay scale, culture, benefits, and advancement opportunities are just a few things on the list. Then, once you are able to find the companies that align with your needs, the interviewing process starts. Several interviews, assessments, and thank you notes later, you may or may not have the job.

This process may seem rather arduous and time consuming, which begs the question; why use a recruiter to find your next job? Well, listed below are three main reasons why using a recruiter can prove to be beneficial in the aspects of networking, alignment, and efficiency.

       I.          Networking

Job seekers who have access to a recruiter and their network have higher accessibility to what the job market has to offer. Once you work with a recruiter, your information is stored in a database that allows the company to be notified of any future opportunities that align with your skillset. Candidates then promptly hear who is hiring as soon as the position becomes available (for free).

      II.          Alignment

There are many different reasons why a new job aligns well with a job seeker. Some may care about career advancement and continued education, while others may be interested in the values and mission of the business. On the other hand, companies have certain pain points in a position that are difficult to portray in a brief job description. Because of this complex situation, recruiters take the time to understand both sides of the fence to ensure your personal and professional goals align with the company’s expectations and values. This ultimately saves time for both parties, but more importantly, you find a company that aligns with your individual needs.

    III.          Efficiency

Once you work with a recruiter, any opportunities in the future will be more efficient through the interviewing process. A good recruiter understands both the job seekers as well as the companies hiring. This allows you to be exposed to more opportunities that align well with your skills and values, ultimately giving you a higher chance to finding the ideal role.

These are just three things to keep in mind the next time you decide to dip a toe in the job market. Whether you are just starting to look, or seriously considering a career change, it is always a good idea to keep a recruiter in your network.

If you see the value in utilizing a recruiter on your next job search, or simply have questions about the recruitment process, feel free to reach out to the Oxenham Group and a team member will be happy to schedule a discussion.


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